Attending this event?
We are very excited to invite you to the Summer Institute for Distance Learning and Instructional Technology (SIDLIT “Side Light”) 2024 Annual Conference, which will be held on July 29-31, 2024 in Kansas City, Kansas. This year marks the 25th anniversary of SIDLIT, and we have prepared a special program to celebrate this milestone. For the first time ever, our physical location this year is: The University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC), 3901 Rainbow Blvd., Kansas City, KS, 66160 – or join us virtually!

The theme of SIDLIT 2024 is “Lensing the Past, Zooming In on the Present, Developing Future Passions for Learning.” We will explore together how we can use the lessons learned from the past, the challenges, opportunities, and innovations of the present, and the emerging trends of the future to enhance our online learning and instructional design practices. We will also collaborate on how we can foster and activate a passion for lifelong learning among ourselves and our students.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility 

C2C aims to host SIDLIT 2024—in-person and virtually—in a mutually respectful environment. SIDLIT 2024 is inclusive of people from all backgrounds: ethnicities, races, countries of origin, ages, gender identities, sexual orientations, religions, body sizes, economic backgrounds, educational backgrounds, professional backgrounds, employment statuses, abilities, and other dimensions. We are getting together, staying together, and building the future together, with all of our strengths together.

Host Institution

KU Med Center - 3901 Rainbow Blvd, Kansas City, KS 66160
Monday, July 29

12:00pm CDT

Check-in & Networking
Monday July 29, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm CDT
Check-in to get your badge, printed schedule and network with colleagues!
Monday July 29, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm CDT
HEB 2110

1:30pm CDT

Developing Assignment Rubrics
Monday July 29, 2024 1:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
But I know what I’m looking for! Teachers often say this when asked how they know the difference between an A assignment and a B assignment. Unfortunately, the teacher knowing what they are looking for does not mean the students know what the teacher is looking for. Rubrics come in many different styles but can help increase assignment transparancy for students and decrease frustration. Please bring any assignment you would like to develop a rubric for during the workshop. We will start the session covering the format and types of rubrics, discuss developing a rubric in small groups, and finish up with time to develop a rough draft of a rubric for your chosen assignment and feedback from a peer.

Jami Higdon

Instructor, Kansas State University
Ms. Jami Higdon is an instructor at Kansas State University. She has an undergraduate degree in Aviation Management and Masters in Public Administration from Indiana State University. Currently she is completing a Doctorate of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Design at Kansas... Read More →
Monday July 29, 2024 1:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
HEB 2249

1:30pm CDT

Dungeons, Dragons, Design, and Disability: Games as an Inclusive Design Model
Monday July 29, 2024 1:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
While certain topics and lessons still require a lecture model, active learning has been shown to increase engagement and learning among students independent of preferred learning style or other academic needs. However, many active learning activities can be exclusionary if the instructor or designer fails to consider diversity in the classroom. Understanding disability, often overlooked in conversations about diversity, is necessary for creating inclusive active and gamified learning. Using games as a model, the presenters will guide attendees through the basics of design thinking.
Using their expertise in game design and human factors, the authors carefully reviewed and play-tested multiple games for inclusive and accessible design features. While no individual game can be created or modified to have universal accessibility, playing games with an eye toward accessibility is the only way to determine which games have better design. Providing descriptions of what specific games do well (or poorly) along with tested modifications prompt players to consider how design can be improved for accessibility. Workshop attendees will play sample games and evaluate them for accessibility.
Participants will work together in this active session to play, evaluate, and describe how various games meet or fail to meet accessibility standards. The presenters will highlight some of the issues that arise by guiding attendees through practical analysis of board games. Attendees will be exposed to games with various levels of accessibility. The presenters will also share informational resources, including informational sites that will help in growing your own list of games suitable for playtesting, with factors such as popularity, time investment, complexity level, and design mechanics. 3D printing files are free or inexpensive, and multiple online communities devoted to accessibility in games can be found through both gaming and disabled perspectives.
avatar for Daniel Ireton

Daniel Ireton

Associate Professor, Kansas State University
Daniel Ireton grew up on a farm just outside of Salina, KS. Following high school, he moved to Manhattan and attended Kansas State University where he majored in theatre. After receiving an MLS from Emporia State University, he returned to K-State, this time as part of the library... Read More →
Monday July 29, 2024 1:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
HEB 2247

1:30pm CDT

Imagining Future Passions for Learning
Monday July 29, 2024 1:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
As rates of change accelerate within and around education, imagining and developing the passionate learners of the future represents both a huge challenge and the most amazing opportunity ever!
In this dynamic three-hour Brainzooming workshop, you and your peers will zoom out to imagine 25 years into the future. As you explore the future, you’ll use intriguing innovation exercises to create insight-driven future scenarios and strategies for how you can start today to create greater passion for learning in students of all ages. At the workshop’s conclusion, everyone participating will have created future views that you can share with everyone at the conference and beyond!
Activities and Tools:
• Using current analogies to imagine future educational development scenarios
• Exploring new perspectives through flipping today’s educational view upside down
• Using extreme creativity questions to stretch your thinking into the future
Outcomes and Takeaways:
• Learning innovation techniques that you can use and share back at your school
• Dynamic insights about the future to foster passionate learning
• Collaborative ideas about changes can shape education development’s future
• Forward-based strategies for cultivating and engaging passionate learners in all roles and levels of education
Monday July 29, 2024 1:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
HEB 2112

1:30pm CDT

Privacy Pioneers: Charting Ethical Pathways Through Emerging Tech in Education
Monday July 29, 2024 1:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
Emerging technologies allow us to collect and access data in new ways to support student learning, but they also can introduce privacy and safety concerns. Student data privacy and data ethics are essential topics that should be included when exploring these resources. The Education Leaders’ role requires them to make daily decisions that impact which student data is collected or revealed, how the data is stored, how data is interpreted and used to make decisions about students, and how policies and regulations are upheld. Responsible data use is more than compliance with laws and regulations; it requires practices that ensure ethical and equitable uses of data that work to minimize the potential for harm.

This session will use a tabletop format to explore the privacy risks and ethical concerns that arise with emerging technology. Join this workshop-style session to dive into data privacy scenarios, including generative AI, and practice how you might facilitate discussions in your organization.
Monday July 29, 2024 1:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
HEB 2237
Tuesday, July 30

8:00am CDT

Check-in & Networking
Tuesday July 30, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am CDT
Check-in to get your badge, printed schedule and network with colleagues!
Tuesday July 30, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am CDT
HEB 2110

9:00am CDT

Awareness to Ability: Exploring the Use of AI-based Digital Tools and Technologies in Education
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
This session will focus on closing the gap between awareness of AI-based digital tools and concrete application of AI technologies in various learning modalities. Awareness of technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) needs is based on the presenters’ recent research study findings addressing the state of AI awareness and AI readiness of secondary and higher education business educators. Specific AI-based digital tools will be examined to enhance attendees' ability to use new AI technologies and cast a vision for ethical and effective use of AI-based tools in education.

The purpose of the presenter’s research study, which was informed by the TPACK framework, was to assess the current state of AI awareness and AI readiness of secondary and higher education business educators to understand how and why educational administrators, educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders can help business educators understand the implications of adopting GenAI tools in their education institutions. The research design was a non-experimental, descriptive study, and the methodology was quantitative using survey research.

While a majority of business educators have a high degree of AI awareness and want to incorporate the latest technologies into their instruction, there is a lack of knowledge on how to apply AI-based technologies. Additionally, business educators are using AI-based tools for their personal use but do not know how to use AI to help students learn. This session will provide useful information and ideas to increase the effective use of AI digital tools in face-to-face, blended, and online learning at the post-secondary level.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB 2249

9:00am CDT

Navigating New Horizons: Embracing Change and Loss in the AI Era
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
Remember the shift from overhead projectors to PowerPoint presentations? If you experienced this transition, you might recall the anxiety and pressure as years of meticulous preparation were suddenly overshadowed by a new technology. Today, the pace and magnitude of technological advancements, especially with AI, make earlier shifts seem almost mild in comparison.

This session is designed to support individuals and teams in Higher Education as they navigate the complex feelings of loss that accompany the adoption of new technologies—feelings that exist alongside the excitement of discovery and innovation.

Intended for both faculty and staff, we will offer practical strategies for managing these emotional transitions. Drawing on insights from experts like William Bridges, Marshal McLuhan, Jason Clarke, the Kansas Leadership Center, Mary-Francis O'Connor, and Brené Brown, this session promises to equip you with the tools to lead with empathy and understanding through these evolving times.
avatar for Rick Bartlett

Rick Bartlett

Instructional Designer, Indiana Wesleyan University
Rick Bartlett is a Learning eXperience Design team member at Indiana Wesleyan University. He previously served as an Associate Professor and Associate Dean at Tabor College, where he created a fully online MA degree in Ministry Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Rick is also a co-author... Read More →
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB 2223

9:00am CDT

Ready Student One! Building a Game-Based Higher Ed Course in Virtual Reality utilizing Method of Loci
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
Today more than ever before, we have access to new technologies which provide unforeseen opportunities for educators to pursue new innovations in online education. Pursuing innovation is a complex process! It starts with an idea, but that needs to be coupled with the right team of experts willing to take big risks and put in the hard work to build something new. An instructional design team was empowered to reimagine an Introduction to Sociology university course as a Game-Based Learning (GBL) experience utilizing cutting edge Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The result was a innovate collaborative process that resulted in a brand-new type of learning based in Game theory, Method of Loci, and VR Immersion Simulations to promote deeper retention of core concepts. The team deconstructed the way that university courses operated, in order to rebuild the educational process in a whole new, learner-centric manner. In addition to a review of the build process, this presentation will explore the results of in-course surveys completed by student participants.
avatar for Robert Jesiolowski

Robert Jesiolowski

Associate Professor, Indiana Wesleyan University
Dr. Jesiolowski is a LCSW who has taught full-time at Indiana Wesleyan University since 2015. He has worked in higher education as an Adjunct Professor at several different universities since 2010. Dr. Jesiolowski has 25+ years of clinical experience in multiple settings with various... Read More →
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB 2211

9:00am CDT

Spring Forward or Bounce Back: Using Pedagogy and Technology to Boost Resilience in the College Classroom
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
This session is an interactive discussion and presentation that focuses on these questions, which allow us to learn from the past and create a more resilient future:

• What are the prevailing myths about resilience?
• Why is it important to consider different kinds of resilience?
• How can classroom technology make our courses more resilient?
• How can we teach college students a bit of resilience through a college course?

Popular culture leads us to believe that people who are stoic and unflustered by change and disaster must be born with resilience of character, and falling apart after a traumatic experience is somehow a sign of weakness. Our classroom technology can also fail in multiple ways, from losing wifi to losing students’ attention. As instructors, we need to be aware that resilience is not an innate trait or an absolute dichotomy. We can help create more resilience in our students and in our course design by thinking through how resilience works, based on recent research and resilient pedagogy. As a result, we can plan for multiple modes of coping and help students plan for disasters. Students with little to no safety nets in their lives need help creating paths of resilience.

I will present recent research findings about resilience and the best advice from experienced instructors. The audience will share their own stories and create together a matrix of types of resilience from adapting, transforming, absorbing, pivoting, withstanding, flexing, rebuilding, and bouncing back. Specific assignments, back-up technology platforms, and alternative methods will be offered and discussed. The audiences’ experiences with adapting to change will be elicited for discussion, and they will be encouraged to write an action plan for one or two small changes that can make their courses more resilient in the future.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB 2112

9:00am CDT

Millions of Photos - Using Cincopa Rich Media Assignment Submission Plugin for Moodle to improve the student experience
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
The Auguste Escoffier Schools of Culinary Arts offer professional culinary arts programs based on the methods, principles and systems of Auguste Escoffier, the international culinary icon and source of modern cooking.

With on ground campuses located in Boulder CO and Austin TX the Online culinary program is by far our largest cohort of students. With over 7000 students enrolled I was tasked with the challenge of improving the process students use to upload their photos for their assignments.

Searching through the Moodle.org plugins I discovered the Cincopa Rich Media Assignment Submission plugin and after extensive testing and working with Cincopa directly we have been using this our live courses for the last year.

This presentation would give a brief overview of our current / previous process using Google Drive and then showing how the plugin looks, feels, and works in our Branded Moodle App as well as the desktop / browser experience.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB 2247

9:00am CDT

Flipped to HyFlex: How Existing Flipped Classroom and Problems-Based Learning Paved the Way
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
Jumping into HyFlex teaching for the first time could be a daunting task. This presentation discusses flipped classroom assignments and problem-based learning activities from previous in-person-only classes that that translated easily to support online asynchronous learners in a HyFlex or hybrid environment. We review related examples and insights from the literature. Case examples from the non-lab class meetings of three different first and second-year engineering technology courses illustrate (1) the original intent of flipped classroom and problem-based learning activities for the in-person-only class and (2) how they were translated into the HyFlex environment to meet the needs of synchronous and asynchronous learners.

Flipped classroom assignments were designed to support students learning independently between class meetings, particularly aimed to assist and model learning practices for students less experienced with self-directed learning. During class meetings, problem-based learning activities aimed to allow students to work in teams or independently during in-person class meetings, with support from provided resources and available instructor interaction. For online students, synchronous instructor assistance was provided through the videoconference connection, email, or apps. Asynchronous assistance included instructor availability via email and videoconference or in-person appointment.

Formative assessments for flipped classroom assignments come through online quizzes and instructor review and interaction. Feedback for problems-based learning occurs less formally, primarily through active instructor interaction, peer interaction, and peer review. Future improvements seek to (1) close gaps and improve efficiency in formative assessment and (2) improve engagement for online learners.

This session invites interaction and shared ideas among attendees.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB 2213

9:45am CDT

Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:45am - 10:00am CDT
Take a break before you head to your next session!
Tuesday July 30, 2024 9:45am - 10:00am CDT
HEB 2010

10:00am CDT

Designing Instructional Conversations for Effective Teaching and Learning
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
In the spirit of Roland Tharp's classic five standards of effective pedagogy popularized by the Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE) now housed at University of Hawaii-Manoa (https://manoa.hawaii.edu/coe/crede/), today's SIDLIT 2024 presentation will focus on one of those core CREDE principles: the instructional conversation. Participants are asked to be willing to begin by setting aside for a few minutes our ideas and knowledge regarding "technology" and brainstorm a thought experiment to imagine ourselves as simply a group of people with chalk and a blackboard. How do we build a purposeful discussion that engages all of us in sharing and learning together? Now, with a tentative foundation in place, let's begin to understand the usefulness of more advanced tools for enhancing the effectiveness of our instructional conversations, always keeping purposefulness and goal-driven communication as our North Star.
avatar for Robert Bruce Scott

Robert Bruce Scott

Multilingual Adaptive Systems Newsletter
After a 20-year teaching career that took him to Ecuador, Japan, and Saudi Arabia, Robb Scott served the State of Kansas on accreditation review teams for special education and ESOL programs, as well as serving two terms on the Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) providing policy... Read More →
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB 2211

10:00am CDT

Overcoming Innovation Barriers: Strategies for Instructional Designers
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
"Overcoming Innovation Barriers: Strategies for Instructional Designers"
Are you encountering roadblocks to innovating within your educational institution? This dynamic presentation will begin by zooming in on innovation barriers most common to audience members. For each barrier, you’ll learn actionable strategies to identify and overcome it. Through real-world examples, everyone will gain insights into driving change, promoting creativity, and elevating passion for learning.
Attendee Outcomes:
During the presentation, participants will develop a deeper understanding of both direct and indirect ways to address typical innovation barriers. Attendees will:
• Be able to share their most significant innovation barriers to customize the presentation content
• Learn how to distinguish between strategic, process, and people-related innovation barriers
• Gain insight into navigating both formal and informal cultural challenges to innovating
• Develop ways to motivate risk taking and innovative behaviors among team members and administrators
• Experience real-world examples of overcoming innovation challenges
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB 2112

10:00am CDT

Using Design Thinking to Create An AI Chatbot
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
In this session, participants will apply Design Thinking to work together in teams and build an AI Chatbot or customized GPT to solve a real problem. The process will be scaffolded to support beginners and include time to test out the products designed during the session. The workshop will also require participants to reflect on their experience and generate shared insight on applying this approach with future learners.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB 2223

10:00am CDT

Bend, Don’t Break: Adapting and Utilizing Standard AV Builds in New, Unique Ways
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
In the ever-changing landscape of Educational Technology, time is the enemy. Technological advancement outpaces real world implementation so quickly that adaptation and expansion of existing technological infrastructures is no longer the exception, but the norm. In this session, we will go over the different approaches and practices that TLT Media utilizes to get the most out of built in technology in our classrooms by modifying and/or adding additional technology as needed by events. In doing so, we hope to foster a new way of thinking about Educational Technology.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB 2249

10:00am CDT

Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB G205

10:00am CDT

A Brief History of Distance Education at KUMC – A Technical Overview (Where We Started and Where We’re Going)
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
This session will be a brief history of distance education at the University of Kansas Medical Center, focusing on the technology used. The discussion will begin with conferencing between the three KUMC campuses, which expanded to daily Medicine classes in 2011. In 2017, the Health Education Building opened and so did more distance education opportunities. Discussion will focus on the technology & equipment used and how it has progressed from traditional videoconferencing to web conferencing. We will also talk about best ways to repurpose existing installed equipment from old processes and how to look at new ways to take full advantage of your equipment investments.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB G201

10:00am CDT

Boost Your Online Course Engagement With VoiceThread
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
When I began redesigning my courses online in 2018, I longed for a way for them to be interactive, engaging, and fun like my in-person courses. I wanted to make sure that students could see and hear one another each week and that they could interact with the content and me, while having the feel of being “in class” despite being on the other side of a computer screen.

I wanted students to gain a sense of community and to experiment with the course content (and in many cases with the target language they were learning) with other students and not just through auto-graded activities with their textbooks. I wanted them to share their experiences, thoughts and ideas, and to hear other students’ stories too.

It took a long time and a lot of experimenting with many platforms and tools, but I found one that really took my asynchronous courses to the next level – VoiceThread!

In this session, we will present examples of how to utilize VoiceThread to make online asynchronous classes engaging, maximize student-to-student connection, create community, connect with your students, and to provide a space for students to explore content in an interactive way.

We will demonstrate examples of how this has been successfully used to enhance engagement, how it has increased student participation and their sense of community and showcase the instructor and student experience.

avatar for Austin Walden

Austin Walden

Assistant Professor, Kansas State University
Dr. Austin T Walden is a pilot, flight instructor, and aviation education professional. He proudly took online courses during his undergraduate and graduate degrees and is taking his own experiences with online pedagogy and furthering them into the best experience he can provide... Read More →
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB 2247

10:00am CDT

Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Views from a Remote Private Sector Organization
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
Companies continue to look for improved, more efficient ways to make learning opportunities better for associates. This presentation will review tips, tricks, lessons learned, and resources for effectively teaching fully online. This use case studies a nationwide medical records company with remote, in-office, and hybrid associates. As, you’ll find out, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t always apply.

Darin Challacombe

Director Learning & Development, Verisma Systems
Mr. Darin Challacombe is a researcher, author, professor, and education professional. He is ScanSTAT Technologies’ Director of Learning and Employee Development. As a member of the Human Resources team, he oversees all educational opportunities for the company. He has worked in... Read More →
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB 2213

10:45am CDT

Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am CDT
Take a break before you head to your next session!
Tuesday July 30, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am CDT
HEB 2010

11:00am CDT

Navigating the Nexus: AI, Ethics and Data Privacy
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
AI has been used in education for over a decade, but recent innovations have introduced new challenges and considerations. These emerging technologies allow us to collect and access data in new ways, but they can also introduce privacy and safety concerns. Join a national leader in student data privacy, ethics and education cybersecurity in a discussion about the impact of emerging AI technology on the education environment. We will explore the spectrum of AI, from Machine Learning to generative AI (gen AI) and deepfakes.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB 2211

11:00am CDT

Revisiting “Taking on the World, OneNote at a Time”
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
Learn how OneNote has been part of the presenter’s career trajectory. In 2016, the presenter showcased the use of Class Notebook in second language teaching classrooms at the college level. Fast forward to 2024, and OneNote continues to be instrumental in providing a learning and collaboration space not only for learners but also for supervisors and staff members as well as across teams.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB 2249

11:00am CDT

Avoid Death by PowerPoints
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
While Learning Technologies frequently showcase cutting-edge tools, the core mission of LT remains rooted in enhancing learning comprehension and retention. In contrast to spotlighting cutting-edge technology, this session prioritizes leveraging ubiquitous tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint to effectively deliver information.

In this session, we'll explore straightforward strategies for enhancing PowerPoint slides to significantly elevate the impact of your information presentations.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB 2112

11:00am CDT

How to Produce Podcasts the Easy Way
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
Podcasts are making a comeback so we will take a look at three software packages that use AI to assist in podcast production. This software reduces the time to edit and produce a podcast from hours to minutes and you don't need to be an editing expert or have a ton of technical knowledge.
avatar for Bob Epp

Bob Epp

Sr. Analyst Educational Technology Center, Johnson County Community College
Bob Epp has worked as a Senior Analyst for the Educational Technology Center at Johnson County Community College for 18 years. He is also a member of the adjunct faculty at JCCC teaching Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator online. Bob is also a video producer and podcast engineer.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB 2213

11:00am CDT

Rural Instruction & Shared Education: Changing the landscape of education in Rural Communities
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
In this session, you will learn about Rural Instruction & Shared Education [RISE] and the many the many benefits K-12 districts and Higher Ed Institutions are receiving by engaging in this distance learning network. The RISE network's mission is to equalize educational opportunities for students and teachers by utilizing distance learning technology to open up access to educational resources. Examples of district distance learning implementation success stories will be shared so participants can see the many benefits districts have received by engaging in this type of network.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB G205

11:00am CDT

Ultra AI: How Blackboard Ultra Integrates AI into its Platform Tools
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, Blackboard is at the forefront of innovation with the introduction of its cutting-edge AI tools. These advanced capabilities are poised to revolutionize the way instructors design and deliver courses, streamlining processes and enhancing the overall learning experience.

Course Structure Development: Transform your syllabus into a well-organized course with Blackboard Ultra's AI course structure tool. Simply provide your syllabus or other course materials, and the AI will automatically generate a logical structure of learning modules. This tool analyzes the content and breaks it down into coherent sections saving you valuable time in initial course setup.

Test Question Generation: Crafting high-quality assessments is a time-consuming endeavor. With Blackboard Ultra's AI-powered test question generation tool, you can effortlessly generate a comprehensive bank of questions tailored to your course objectives. This tool leverages natural language processing to create relevant and challenging questions, saving you valuable time and effort.

Rubric Generation: Consistent and fair grading is crucial for student success. Blackboard Ultra's AI-driven rubric generation tool analyzes your assignment prompts and course materials, automatically generating detailed rubrics aligned with your learning objectives. This ensures transparent and equitable grading practices across your courses.

Image Generation: Engage your students with visually compelling content. Blackboard Ultra's AI image generation tool allows you to create custom, high-quality images based on your prompts, perfect for enhancing presentations, assignments, and course materials.

By integrating these AI tools into the Learning Management System (LMS), Blackboard Ultra empowers instructors to streamline their workflows, freeing up valuable time to focus on delivering exceptional educational experiences. Moreover, students benefit from a more engaging and personalized learning environment, fostering their academic growth and success.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB 2223

11:00am CDT

Engaging students in Online Learning RSI at JCCC
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
Like many other colleges and universities at JCCC we are making sure our online course review process meets the federal guidelines of RSI. Learn about how we are interpreting the guidelines and developing a plan moving forward.
avatar for Ed Lovitt

Ed Lovitt

Director Ed Tech and Distance Learning, Johnson County Community College
Ed Lovitt is the Director of Distance Learning and Educational Technology at Johnson County Community College. He has worked for over 35 years in education and has provided leadership in the selection and implementation of three major LMS reviews in the past 15 years. He has a B.S... Read More →
Tuesday July 30, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB 2247

12:00pm CDT

Lunch On Your Own
Tuesday July 30, 2024 12:00pm - 1:15pm CDT
Tuesday July 30, 2024 12:00pm - 1:15pm CDT
On Your Own

1:30pm CDT

Opening Remarks & Panel DIscussion: 25 Years of SIDLIT
Tuesday July 30, 2024 1:30pm - 2:45pm CDT
Tuesday July 30, 2024 1:30pm - 2:45pm CDT
HEB G201

2:45pm CDT

Sponsor & Community Networking
Tuesday July 30, 2024 2:45pm - 3:30pm CDT
Network with and support the sponsors of the conference!
Tuesday July 30, 2024 2:45pm - 3:30pm CDT
HEB 2110

3:30pm CDT

Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:30pm - 3:45pm CDT
Take a break before you head to your next session!
Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:30pm - 3:45pm CDT
Your Choice

3:45pm CDT

Accessibility as a Driver of Purposeful Pedagogy
Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CDT
There is at present a potentially oppressive sociopolitical context nationwide and globally which suggests educational settings must be unencumbered by considerations of concepts such as equity, diversity, and inclusion. In this SIDLIT 2024 session, the presenter will outline an argument antithetical to these sociopolitical trends, and will suggest that the future of democracy and education, with a nod to Dewey, is in the balance today. This pro-equity, pro-diversity, and pro-inclusion argument is based on understanding a passion for teaching and learning through the lenses of Skrtic's problem-solving paradigm shift, Lee's "identity-in-difference" phenomenology, and the creative instructional solutions enabled by universal design principles and open-horizon models of education.
avatar for Robert Bruce Scott

Robert Bruce Scott

Multilingual Adaptive Systems Newsletter
After a 20-year teaching career that took him to Ecuador, Japan, and Saudi Arabia, Robb Scott served the State of Kansas on accreditation review teams for special education and ESOL programs, as well as serving two terms on the Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) providing policy... Read More →
Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CDT
HEB 2237

3:45pm CDT

How to Learn: Scalable and AI-Enhanced Methods for Embedding Learning Skills in any Course
Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CDT
Students entering college post-COVID sometimes seem to need additional support with developing effective learning skills. With a 97% positive feedback record across several semesters of trials, this presentation explores two learning design methods for embedding learning skills into course design for any delivery format or discipline. The presentation includes discussion of two methods to implement the ‘How to Learn’ design, discussion of student experiences and lessons learned, and time to explore the associated AI chatbot and resources together for Q&A. The ‘How to Learn’ module or embedded course design elements you will learn about in this session provide:
• Safe space for students to experiment with and develop life-long learning strategies
• Students develop metacognitive and self-directed learning practices for college and workforce skills
• Access to an AI chatbot that supports this learning design with just-in-time assistance for students’ learning struggles 24/7
• I created the chatbot in Playlab, which is an educational platform providing free access for anyone and does not require accounts or sign-in
• The chatbot has already been given appropriate prompts and access to a library of related resources, making it tailored for this use without any additional input or effort by instructors or students
• The chatbot helps the learning design become scalable for instructors with less prior experience in instructional design or knowledge of cognitive/educational research

Attendees will leave with two models for implementation and access to all the related resources that empower them to immediately deploy or modify the learning design for use in their own courses or institutions.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CDT
HEB 2211

3:45pm CDT

Come See What's New at the C2C Mighty Network!
Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CDT
Can you believe our Mighty Network is up to over 200 members! What?!? You haven't heard about our Mighty Network? It is our one-stop shop to keep our community informed and engaged. It is an online presence where the back channel discussions that start at SIDLIT can continue throughout the year. We'll spend some time getting acquainted with our MN, assisting attendees with joining and maybe even starting a topic or two. If you're already a member, come join us and share your thoughts on how you'd like to use our MN in the future. See you there!
avatar for Dennis Peirce

Dennis Peirce

I.T. Systems Coordinator, West-Central Independent Living Solutions
Dennis Peirce is an I.T. Systems Coordinator for West-Central Independent Living Solutions, a consumer driven, non-residential, 501(c)3 nonprofit resource center that serves people with disabilities and their families at all stages of life. He provides technical support and manages... Read More →
Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CDT
HEB 2213

3:45pm CDT

3:45pm CDT

Creating New Open Educational Resources (OERs) Using AI to Create Innovative Curriculum, Assessments, and Rubrics for Google Classroom
Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CDT
This 45-minute session on "Creating New Open Educational Resources (OERs) Using AI to Create Innovative Curriculum, Assessments, and Rubrics for Google Classroom" explores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in education. The presentation focuses on leveraging AI to design engaging curricula, develop comprehensive assessments, and create detailed rubrics. Practical examples of AI-generated educational content will be demonstrated, along with a step-by-step guide on integrating these resources into Google Classroom. This session offers valuable insights and practical tips for educators looking to enhance their teaching toolkit and those interested in the future of AI in education.
Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CDT
HEB 2247

3:45pm CDT

How Accessibility is Improving with the Help of AI
Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CDT
This session will examine how recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence are improving accessibility and Universal Design for Learning. AI tools have been a mainstay of accessibility for several years, but many new advancements in this space - especially since the release of ChatGPT and other Large Language Models - have accelerated the development of tools and resources. This session will explore recent advancements in this space and forecast how AI will likely impact accessibility and the development of accessible course content.

Rob Gibson

Dean, WSU Tech
Robert is currently the Dean of Academic Technology and the Director of Instructional Design at WSUTech. In this role, he and his team provide a variety of learning technology support for the campus. He has served in this capacity since 2022. Robert also teaches several graduate courses... Read More →
Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CDT
HEB 2249

3:45pm CDT

Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CDT
Tuesday July 30, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm CDT
HEB G205
Wednesday, July 31

8:00am CDT

Check-in & Networking
Wednesday July 31, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am CDT
Check-in to get your badge, printed schedule and network with colleagues!
Wednesday July 31, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am CDT
HEB 2110

9:00am CDT

Making the Most of Found Space: Two Success Stories and a Work in Progress
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
This walking-tour presentation will look at spaces found during the design and build of the Health Education Building. These spaces were designated for other purposes but became available late in the process. This presentation will go on-site in both our Full-Service Production Studio and Self-Service Recording Studio. We will also visit the Ad Astra Room Event Space, the best sunset view on campus. We will discuss lessons learned, difficulties overcome, and the work in progress of each space. (Location note: This presentation will begin in HEB 5202 and then move to HEB B209 & B211.)
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB 2nd Floor/Elevators

9:00am CDT

Soft-skilling Teams with Microsoft Teams
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
The virtual workspace has become a daily staple in many workplaces. While this session may showcase other productivity tools, the focus will be on using Microsoft Teams (SharePoint) and, more specifically, how it can be used as part of team learning on soft- skills. Examples provided may draw from the presenter’s experiences and working ideas.
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB 2249

9:00am CDT

Optimizing Workflows: Harnessing the Power of a Formalized Debriefing Following Educational Offerings
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
Formal debriefing provides the opportunity for reflection and identification of lessons learned. The department of Nursing Practice, Research, and Professional Development (NPRPD) at The University of Kansas Health System has implemented a post initiative debriefing process to facilitate process improvement in departmental workflows. Initiatives requiring a debriefing are identified by departmental leadership and assigned to the nursing professional development specialist serving as the department debriefing lead. The debriefing lead schedules a virtual debriefing meeting, ideally within 2 weeks of completion of the project. All individuals involved in the creation and dissemination of project related education are included in the post initiative debriefing. Participants complete a pre-debriefing survey ranking the following topics using a Likert scale from very poor to excellent: leadership & team, communication, policies/procedures/protocols, event/initiative environment, equipment & supplies, content, dissemination strategy, evaluations, and the overall initiative. Responses are compiled and averaged to serve as a discussion guide during the debriefing. During the debriefing, specific examples of success and opportunities for each of the topics in the pre-survey are discussed by the team and detailed notes are taken by the debriefing lead. Following the discussion of each topic, the participants anonymously vote to assign a score to the topic using the same Likert scale used in the pre-survey. At the completion of the debriefing meetings notes are uploaded to the NPRPD department SharePoint, allowing all department team members access to review and apply any lessons learned from past projects to their current and future projects. The use of a formalized debriefing process has highlighted workflow improvement opportunities resulting in improved processes within and professional development offerings provided by the NPRPD department.
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB 2223

9:00am CDT

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Generative AI in Education
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
Generative AI is often seen as the "big bad wolf" in education, evoking fear and resistance. However, this dynamic presentation will unmask the wolf, confronting the fears and misconceptions that surround this powerful technology. The wolf might seem menacing with its "big ears" and "sharp teeth," but we will reveal how these traits can actually be harnessed for good, transforming student learning in powerful ways.

Dystopian sci-fi coupled with media hype have made many educators fearful that AI will eliminate creativity, displace jobs, or even becoming sentient, and we’ve all seen how easy it makes it for students to cheat. However, generative AI is really not here to topple the foundations of traditional learning. All that huffing and puffing becomes mere bluster once you learn how to redesign assessments to leverage AI well. Done right, AI offers unprecedented opportunities for collaboration, creativity, and personalized education, and some of the latest AI apps and platforms to emerge are prime examples of this potential.

In this presentation, three veteran technology enthusiasts with a history of effective teaching with AI will address and dispel fears about the risks and concerns of AI, reframing challenges into solution-oriented opportunities. This session will help educators evaluate their current "building codes" to ensure a strong foundation that can withstand the winds of technological change and be strengthened rather than compromised by it. We aim to empower educators to harness AI’s transformative power, creating an environment where technological change leads to educational excellence.

We will present specific examples of how AI can enhance student engagement, provide tailored learning experiences, offer equity, design opportunities that equip and empower, and foster innovative thinking in ways that prepare students for a future where AI is deeply integrated into every facet of life.

Join us to see how the "big bad wolf" can become a trusted ally and a catalyst for positive change.
avatar for David Swisher

David Swisher

Senior Learning eXperience Designer / LMS Systems Integration Specialist, Indiana Wesleyan University
David Swisher is a Senior Learning eXperience Designer in the Office of Academic Innovation at Indiana Wesleyan University, and he is a former chair of Colleague 2 Colleague who coordinated the successful transition to virtual for the 2020 SIDLIT conference. He currently serves as... Read More →
avatar for Tiffany Snyder

Tiffany Snyder

Assistant Director of Faculty Enrichment, Indiana Wesleyan University
Tiffany Snyder, Ph.D, is the Director of Faculty Enrichment in the Office of Academic Innovation at Indiana Wesleyan University and serves as adjunct faculty in the Behavioral Sciences and Leadership Studies programs. She is also the Co-Host of the Digital2Learn podcast which features... Read More →
avatar for Rick Bartlett

Rick Bartlett

Instructional Designer, Indiana Wesleyan University
Rick Bartlett is a Learning eXperience Design team member at Indiana Wesleyan University. He previously served as an Associate Professor and Associate Dean at Tabor College, where he created a fully online MA degree in Ministry Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Rick is also a co-author... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB 2247

9:00am CDT

Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB G205

9:00am CDT

Deepening Student Connections with eJournals: Building Relationships One Entry at a Time
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
As online learning continues to transform and expand, the need for genuine, one-on-one instructor-student interaction has never been more critical. eJournals are a powerful way to foster meaningful connections and continuous dialogue between faculty and students.

In this session, we will:

Get acquainted with eJournals, how they work, and the advantages they bring to the virtual learning environment.
Explore the benefits of using eJournals as a medium for tailored interactions with each student.

Understand how consistent communication through eJournals can build trust, mutual respect, and a deeper understanding between educators and their students.

Discover the profound effects of encouraging students to engage in reflective thinking, helping them internalize and apply their learnings more effectively.
avatar for Linda Wiley

Linda Wiley

LMS Admin/Instructional Designer, Lees-McRae College
Linda Wiley is the LMS Administrator/Instructional Designer at Lees-McRae College and a Doctoral Candidate in Baker University’s Instructional Design & Performance Technology Program. With over 30 years in education and technology, she has deep experience in teaching and instructional... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB 2211

9:00am CDT

No Flight Needed: Bridging Global Midwifery Connections
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
In this presentation, we will share how a nurse-midwifery leadership professionalism course at KUMC, leveraged best practices in teaching technologies and instructional design to incorporate a needed global perspective per a course objective to explain the history of midwifery in the United States and across the globe. We will detail the collaboration with the Office of International Programs (OIP) and the Department of Teaching and Learning Technologies (TLT) to deliver this international exchange to both KUMC (KS) and Moi University (Kenya) midwifery students made possible by a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) grant from the Kansas African Studies Center at KU.
Our approach integrates innovative teaching methods and advanced instructional design to create an engaging and effective learning experience. Preliminary results indicate improvements in global awareness, leadership competencies and professional readiness among participants. We will also discuss the challenges encountered and the solutions implemented during the course's development and execution.
Looking forward, we aim to expand this program, incorporating feedback from participants and exploring additional international collaborations.
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
HEB 2213

9:45am CDT

Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:45am - 10:00am CDT
Take a break before you head to your next session!
Wednesday July 31, 2024 9:45am - 10:00am CDT
Your Choice

10:00am CDT

Captioning Videos on a Shoestring Budget
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
Captioning video content is crucial for creating an inclusive learning environment. It benefits not only students with hearing impairments but also non-native speakers and those in noisy surroundings. However, the cost of video services and professional captioning can be prohibitive. Moreover, many educational videos on platforms like YouTube lack ADA-compliant captions.

In this presentation, we explore a budget-friendly solution: leveraging AI captioning services in conjunction with Amara. We’ll demonstrate how educators can enhance their online courses by providing accurate and accessible captions for external video content hosted on YouTube. Join us to learn practical strategies for making educational videos more inclusive without breaking the bank.
avatar for April Robbs

April Robbs

Instructional Designer, Ottawa University
April Robbs is an instructional designer at Ottawa University. She holds a BS in elementary education and a MS in instructional design and technology from Emporia State University. She strives to promote professional collaboration with subject matter experts in course design in order... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB 2247

10:00am CDT

Leveraging Design Thinking to Create a Seamless Student Experience
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
In an era of rapid technological advancements and evolving educational needs, institutions face the challenge of creating a seamless student experience for adult and continuing education as well as workforce programs. This session explores a case study on how design thinking was employed to identify a technology system that unifies these experiences. Attendees will gain insights into the collaborative efforts of the Vice President of Educational Innovation and the Director of Online Education Services team leading a cross-functional task force to review and select an appropriate technology system.
avatar for Dr. Fabiola Riobe

Dr. Fabiola Riobe

Vice President of Educational Innovation and Global Programming, Kansas City Kansas Community College
Dr. Fabiola Riobé - Vice President for Educational Innovation and International Programs, Kansas City Kansas Community College (Kansas)Dr. Fabiola Riobé is an accomplished international executive, industry expert, and education advocate passionate about promoting entrepreneurship... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB 2211

10:00am CDT

Catching the Wave - Surfing IT and Learning Design Trends via the C2C Digital Magazine
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
Robb Scott and Dennis Peirce recently welcomed a third co-editor, Dr. David Swisher of Indiana Wesleyan University, to the enterprise and passion that brings together this semi-annual online professional journal, the Colleague-to-Colleague Digital Magazine, published on the Scalar platform with each new issue archived and distributed nationally and globally through ScholarSpace @ Johnson County Community College. In this session at SIDLIT 2024 we will share from our "learn-by-doing" experiences over the past year since taking responsibility for this publication. It is our hope that we can succeed in igniting interest and engaging the passions and intellectual energy of conference-goers as potential and prospective article writers as well as fellow co-editors over the months and years ahead. Please come and bring your ideas and talents to this timely discussion of issues, concerns, challenges, and opportunities in the exciting and turbulent current field of instructional technology and design.
avatar for Dennis Peirce

Dennis Peirce

I.T. Systems Coordinator, West-Central Independent Living Solutions
Dennis Peirce is an I.T. Systems Coordinator for West-Central Independent Living Solutions, a consumer driven, non-residential, 501(c)3 nonprofit resource center that serves people with disabilities and their families at all stages of life. He provides technical support and manages... Read More →
avatar for Robert Bruce Scott

Robert Bruce Scott

Multilingual Adaptive Systems Newsletter
After a 20-year teaching career that took him to Ecuador, Japan, and Saudi Arabia, Robb Scott served the State of Kansas on accreditation review teams for special education and ESOL programs, as well as serving two terms on the Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) providing policy... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB G205

10:00am CDT

AI Ethics for the Classroom: Navigating the Complex Intersections
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
The recent advance and proliferation of generative AI through natural language processing and LLMs has simultaneously presented the academy with both an incredible opportunity for innovation and collaboration as well as significant concern for academic originality along with authenticity, trust, and integrity. It is a culture-shaping moment we find ourselves in, with important ethical issues looming large that remain unanswered: What are the acceptable uses of AI, and when does its use cross the line? To what extent is the use of generative AI appropriate in course or assignment preparation? Should the use of generative AI always be disclosed? (why or why not?) And is it even realistic or feasible to expect the use of generative AI to be properly cited and acknowledged...not just in student submissions, but in the creative works of the academy's practitioners and leaders? What role and potential do leaders in the academy have in managing the future impact of AI and shaping the character of students and faculty who use it?

Drawing on his extensive background in technology for ministry in the context of higher education, as well as his love for virtue ethics (with an appreciation for other approaches), the presenter will navigate these complex intersections, explaining in laymen's terms how AI "thinks" (and why this matters), discussing the limitations of AI along with the immediate and far-reaching ethical implications, and exploring the boundaries of acceptable use and disclosure of the contributory role of AI. With this choppy sea thus navigated, the author will present a paradigm for how education leaders can effectively transform culture through character, scholarship, and leadership in the midst of the challenges raised by the rapid proliferation of generative AI.
avatar for David Swisher

David Swisher

Senior Learning eXperience Designer / LMS Systems Integration Specialist, Indiana Wesleyan University
David Swisher is a Senior Learning eXperience Designer in the Office of Academic Innovation at Indiana Wesleyan University, and he is a former chair of Colleague 2 Colleague who coordinated the successful transition to virtual for the 2020 SIDLIT conference. He currently serves as... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB G201

10:00am CDT

Bringing Life to Asynchronous Courses
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
Asynchronous courses present several challenges. There is a time lag between when the content is made available, when the student views it, and when the instructor receives feedback. This mode of teaching brings students from various parts of the world together and hence provides flexibility. However, this mode makes it harder to know student skills and their performance in previous courses.
There are several challenges in teaching machine learning and deep learning asynchronously. Here are a few, 1) the complexity of the concept, 2) student completing pre-req tasks to understand the presented concept, 3) student participating in discussion after learning the concept. These challenges do exist in in-person teaching, however, they are exacerbated in asynchronous teaching.
In this presentation, I will discuss techniques that I practice in my courses to make asynchronous courses effective. Using a case study of teaching machine learning and deep learning asynchronously, I will focus on three main aspects 1) student engagement with the material, 2) instructor’s interactions with the student and 3) students’ interactions with each other.

Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB 2249

10:00am CDT

Combating Cheating in the Online Classroom
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB 2223

10:00am CDT

Human Technology and Mental Health in Higher Education: What can WE do?
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
To be clear, this session is NOT about apps, websites, software, or other digital technologies as mental health resources (although the topic may come up, it is not the session's focus). Instead, we will consider how HUMAN technology is readily available and can be a valuable asset in supporting our students' and colleagues' mental health and well-being in higher education.
Consider Merriam-Webster's definitions of technology:
• the practical application of knowledge, especially in a particular area (i.e., medical technology)
• a capability given by the practical application of knowledge (i.e., a car's fuel-saving technology)
• a manner of accomplishing a task, especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge (i.e., new technologies for information storage)
• the specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor (i.e., educational technology)
Given these definitions, what human technologies do we have to support the well-being of others and ourselves? We are in the midst of a mental health crisis. As adult educators – not licensed mental health providers – we may feel hesitant or ill-equipped to step into the mental health arena. However, research indicates there are not enough mental health providers to go around, resulting in a substantial unmet need for students in higher education (Lederer et al., 2021). Given the enormity of the crisis, our adult learners need us to step up. We may not be able to diagnose and treat someone struggling with mental health issues clinically. Still, we have many other human technologies available to us, but only if we learn how and are willing to use them.
Let’s discuss. What human technologies are available to us? How can we help? What can we do? Bring your ideas and your voice to the conversation.
avatar for Cheryl Zelle

Cheryl Zelle

Doctoral Candidate; Adjunct Faculty, K-State Olathe; JCCC; Baker University SPGS
Cheryl Zelle is a doctoral candidate in Adult Learning and Leadership in the College of Education at Kansas State University. Her research interests include mental health and wellbeing in higher education, emotions and learning, adult learning and the brain, and characteristics of... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am CDT
HEB 2213

10:45am CDT

Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am CDT
Take a break before you head to your next session!
Wednesday July 31, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am CDT
Your Choice

11:00am CDT

Assessment Alignment for Transparent Learning
Wednesday July 31, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
Contemporary literature advocates for teachers to begin with learning objectives before developing learning activities. But often teachers do not have the time to fully develop a course prior to the course starting and must develop as they go. Or over time our learning activities change gradually and may diverge from the original intention. This session will discuss how to ensure alignment either proactively before course implementation or retroactively. We will also cover what to do when misalignment is identified. Please bring specific examples you would like to discuss.

Jami Higdon

Instructor, Kansas State University
Ms. Jami Higdon is an instructor at Kansas State University. She has an undergraduate degree in Aviation Management and Masters in Public Administration from Indiana State University. Currently she is completing a Doctorate of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Design at Kansas... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB 2223

11:00am CDT

Zooming through Collaboration – How to Have an 8-Hour Collaborative Meeting in 30 Minutes
Wednesday July 31, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
Have you ever longed to spend more time in meetings? If not, you need to attend this presentation. It will unlock the secrets to accelerating team collaboration, whether in-person, online, or in a hybrid setting. The key? Choosing from among scores of proven design tactics to customize your meetings and maximize dramatic productivity gains.
Attendee Outcomes:
Participants will go deep into hacks to unlock dramatic engagement and productivity gains when you need to generate more ideas and less hot hair in your meetings. Attendees will:
• Find ways to create multiple doors for everyone to contribute ideas
• Learn how to help meeting participants connect to their most creative selves
• Discover techniques to maximize group interactions and contributions
Wednesday July 31, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB 2112

11:00am CDT

aSTEAM Village: A Passion for Community Empowerment Through IT and Workforce Initiatives
Wednesday July 31, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
aSTEAM Founder and Executive Director William Wells Jr. will engage participants in a lively discussion of leadership challenges and opportunities in education and career training in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) for all youth and families to access and excel in these fields as a vehicle to disrupt poverty. Based on over 30 years of work experience in the information technology and education sectors, the presenter will provide step-by-step accounts of how aSTEAM Village continues to partner with volunteers, companies, agencies, and organizations at local, regional, and national levels to develop STEM education programming, IT workforce trainings and workshops, events, competitions, and networking opportunities for youth and adults throughout the Kansas City community.
Wednesday July 31, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB 2213

11:00am CDT

Case Study: Designing and Building a More Immersive Web-Conference Classroom (A Pilot Project)
Wednesday July 31, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
In Fall 2020, TLT Media was tasked with creating a more immersive web conference classroom. We took this as opportunity to imagine how our classrooms should look in the future. Working with an educational partner and an A/V Integrator, we designed for classroom needs. We worked through this project while dealing with funding issues, supply chain problems, and technology evaluations and changes. In this presentation, we will examine the timeline of the project, we will also touch on our evaluation of A/V over IP technology and cloud/server-based control. We will look at what decisions were made and what adjustments were needed. And since this project was a pilot, we will discuss lessons learned and how that is affected our plans for the next phase of improvements. And finally, we will have a hands-on demo of the room technology.
Wednesday July 31, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB 2249

11:00am CDT

In the Spirit of John Dewey: A Hands-On Session for Course Developers
Wednesday July 31, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
The leaders of this session have a combined full century of experience building online and hybrid modules and courses from the ground up, including back-end, platforms, and software development. Participants at this hands-on laboratory session will walk through the process of launching an idea to generate a coherent set of learning activities for students, teachers, and clients. Key concepts include: How to assess needs and set goals; How to incorporate universal design principles into a course syllabus; and How to track and evaluate progress en route to hitting your learning targets.
avatar for Robert Bruce Scott

Robert Bruce Scott

Multilingual Adaptive Systems Newsletter
After a 20-year teaching career that took him to Ecuador, Japan, and Saudi Arabia, Robb Scott served the State of Kansas on accreditation review teams for special education and ESOL programs, as well as serving two terms on the Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) providing policy... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB 2211

11:00am CDT

Optimizing Learning With EBTs
Wednesday July 31, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
Optimizing Learning With EBTs
avatar for Deborah Taylor

Deborah Taylor

Faculty, JCCC & University of Kansas & OLC
Dr. Deborah Taylor is an expert in online learning and student success. She runs workshops for the Online Learning Consortium, teaches graduate and undergraduate classes, and presents at conferences.She holds a MS in Biology (Neurobiology) and a PhD in Educational Technology and applies... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am CDT
HEB 2247

12:00pm CDT

Box Lunch (For In-Person Attendees)
Wednesday July 31, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Grab your box lunch and head over to one of the Special Interest Groups (SIGS)
Wednesday July 31, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
HEB 2110

12:00pm CDT

Special Interest Group (SIG): Assessment Practices in Light of Generative AI (In-Person)
Wednesday July 31, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Assessment Practices in Light of Generative AI
avatar for David Swisher

David Swisher

Senior Learning eXperience Designer / LMS Systems Integration Specialist, Indiana Wesleyan University
David Swisher is a Senior Learning eXperience Designer in the Office of Academic Innovation at Indiana Wesleyan University, and he is a former chair of Colleague 2 Colleague who coordinated the successful transition to virtual for the 2020 SIDLIT conference. He currently serves as... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
HEB 2223

12:00pm CDT

Special Interest Group (SIG): Culture, Learning, and Technology (In-Person)
Wednesday July 31, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Culture, Learning and Technology
Wednesday July 31, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
HEB 2237

12:00pm CDT

Special Interest Group (SIG): Game Based Larning/Virtual Reality (In-Person)
Wednesday July 31, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Game Based Learning/Virtual Reality
avatar for Robert Jesiolowski

Robert Jesiolowski

Associate Professor, Indiana Wesleyan University
Dr. Jesiolowski is a LCSW who has taught full-time at Indiana Wesleyan University since 2015. He has worked in higher education as an Adjunct Professor at several different universities since 2010. Dr. Jesiolowski has 25+ years of clinical experience in multiple settings with various... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
HEB 2249

12:00pm CDT

Special Interest Group (SIG): Mighty Networks discussion and registration with C2C Digital Magazine discussion (In-Person)
Wednesday July 31, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
C2C Digital Magazine
avatar for Dennis Peirce

Dennis Peirce

I.T. Systems Coordinator, West-Central Independent Living Solutions
Dennis Peirce is an I.T. Systems Coordinator for West-Central Independent Living Solutions, a consumer driven, non-residential, 501(c)3 nonprofit resource center that serves people with disabilities and their families at all stages of life. He provides technical support and manages... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
HEB 2247

12:00pm CDT

Special Interest Group (SIG):Regular Substantive Interaction in Higher Education (In-Person)
Wednesday July 31, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
Regular Substantive Interaction in Higher Education
avatar for Ed Lovitt

Ed Lovitt

Director Ed Tech and Distance Learning, Johnson County Community College
Ed Lovitt is the Director of Distance Learning and Educational Technology at Johnson County Community College. He has worked for over 35 years in education and has provided leadership in the selection and implementation of three major LMS reviews in the past 15 years. He has a B.S... Read More →
Wednesday July 31, 2024 12:00pm - 12:45pm CDT
HEB 2211

1:00pm CDT

Keynote, Awards & Closing Remarks
Wednesday July 31, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm CDT
After the keynote, please join us for closing remarks and the annual SIDLIT Awards!

Keynote Title: Embracing the Digital Turn: A New Era of Quality, Equity, and Care in Online and Blended Learning

Keynote Description: At the crossroads of technology, pedagogy, and advocacy, a challenge looms - the creation of online, blended, and digital learning environments that prioritize quality, equity, and care. Building upon the perspectives of thought leaders in digital learning pedagogy, this keynote will delve into the exploration of these three fundamental pillars and their manifestation in accessible and impactful digital learning broadly. As we navigate a digital education landscape transformed by rapid change, how can we, as educators, center our focus on creating digital learning environments that foster quality, uphold equity, and promote care? In the pursuit of an equitable future of education, our approach requires strategic intentionality and collaboration. This keynote will dissect these elements, highlighting the powerful role that each plays in the continuous evolution and improvement of digital learning spaces.

We will journey through the triptych of quality, equity, and care, exploring their interconnectedness and individual nuances in a digital education context. The discussion will move beyond the surface, articulating what these principles look like when genuinely centered in our learning environments and strategies. Participants will gain insights into creating inclusive and accessible digital spaces that are not just high-quality but also empathetic and equitable. Participants will engage in reflective activities, analyze current trends, and apply their newfound knowledge to their individual and collective practices. Themes of community building, pedagogical innovation, and the leveraging of technology for educational transformation will serve as the foundation of this engagement.

Ultimately, this keynote is a call to action for all education stakeholders to seize the potential of digital learning centered on quality, equity, and care. We will illuminate the path towards a future where our learning environments, whether physical or virtual, reflect our commitment to access and inclusion. This talk aims to empower participants to be architects of this future, transforming education one digital interaction at a time.
Wednesday July 31, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm CDT
HEB G201

2:30pm CDT

C2C Steering Committee Informational Meeting
Wednesday July 31, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CDT
SIDLIT cannot happen without the hard work of the Steering Committee. If you enjoyed the conference and would like to be part of planning SIDLIT 2023, please join us for a brief informational meeting. Dr. Greg Rose, C2C Chair, will share his vision and goals for next year, answer questions about Steering Committee roles and responsibilities, and collect contact information for anyone interested in serving.

The C2C Steering Committee is composed of volunteers from the membership and organized by sub-committees. You can view descriptions of the subcommittees and sign up in the 2023-2024 Steering Committee Sign-up Spreadsheet.

Thank you for your consideration to serve on the 2023-2024 Steering Committee!
Wednesday July 31, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CDT
HEB G201
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